Proptech Norway

Brand Starter Pack

Proptech Norway

What’s it all about?

Proptech Norway operates in the intersection of real estate industry, investors and tech companies, as a point where all agents meet to develop the next generation of products, services and business models. We took on a challenge of creating a brand starter pack, which included visual identity, website and pitch presentations design.

We based its visual expression on a blend of technology and typical Norwegian architecture, making logo and key graphic elements distinctive and effective.

Proptech Norway logo

Dominant shades of green were chosen to give a hint of sustainable future of the industry. Website was designed in the same manner, to be clear and simple, as a canvas for all network members and their news to display.

Proptech Norway Website

Client’s Note


“Frank is our absolute go-to people for visual communication and identity. They have that hard-to-grasp sensibility for connecting strategy to presentation, which with their forward-leaning and friendly demeanour makes choosing them our easiest decision.”

Daniel Butenschøn
Managing Director, Proptech Norway